You have up to 5 years to return an item you accidentally ordered. Please contact our Customer Service team to begin the process of a return and refer to our Return Policy for complete details.
If you ordered a JC-LGL/Romanso product on Amazon, please contact Amazon Customer Service at 888-280-4331.
If you ordered on our website, eBay, or other online marketplaces, please contact our Customer Service Team so they can review your order and answer your questions.
If you ordered on our website, eBay, or other online marketplaces, please contact our Customer Service Team so they can review your order and answer your questions.
Unfortunately we are unable to cancel an order once it has been placed. This will allow us to pack your orders efficiently and to minimize errors. It is advisable to check your order before placing it.
Yes, JC-LGL offers bulk buying options to customers who qualify. Please complete the Bulk Sales & Inquiry Form to provide details about which products interest you and the estimated quantities you wish to purchase. A JC-LGL Sales representative will correspond with you.
Please contact our customer service as soon as possible, or call this number directly, +1 626 977 6424
JC-LGL provides guarantees that are displayed in the navigation bar and bottom links on every page. For more details, see the JC-LGL Warranty Policy.
You do not need to register your product to claim warranty issues. However, you can extend the warranty for qualified products by registering. For more details, see the JC-LGL Warranty Policy.
Once your return has been approved, your refund will be processed, and a credit will be applied to your credit card or original method of payment. This usually takes about 3-5 business days.
If you have already been approved for a refund, but are not yet seeing it on your statement, remember that banks and credit card institutions often take time to process a refund before the amount is officially posted to your account. Please contact your financial institution or credit card company, in case your overdue refund has been caused by a delay in posting. Already did that? Please contact us.
Return to sender or refused packages will be restocked and your will be issued a refund for the order minus actual shipping cost.
Your refund will be processed as a credit applied to your credit card or original method of payment.
Please Note: Original shipping charges will only be refunded when the product return is the result of a JC-LGL error. We do not take responsibility for lost, misplaced, or incorrectly delivered shipments if the address information provided is incorrect at the time of the purchase. For a smooth return of the product, please contact the Customer Service Team prior to returning your product.
JC-LGL offers warranties that are displayed on each product page. Please refer to the JC-LGL Warranty Policy for additional details.
Simply register your product. For each product, you would provide your order ID, name, email, and product details to extend warranty coverage by an additional two years.
You do not need to register your product to claim a warranty issue. However, you can extend your warranty period on qualifying products by registering. Please refer to the JC-LGL Warranty Policy for additional details.
We are sorry to hear you are experiencing issues. Please email the following information to support@jclgl-led.com so our Customer Service team can process your warranty claim.
1. Order Number
2. Number of lights not working as intended
3. Current Shipping Address
Yes! JC-LGL offers free shipping on all domestic orders over $1.
We love to hear from you on our customer service, merchandise, website or any topics you want to share with us. Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated. Please complete the form below.